When could a piper play?
Not all points in the list below will be appropriate for every funeral - I recommend choosing the two or three that fit best with your arrangements.
Church Service
- As mourners arrive - Piping for approximately 20 minutes before the service starts.
- As the cortège enters - Playing as the coffin is brought into the service.
- As the cortège exits - Playing as the coffin is leaves/is brought outside.
- After the service - Leading the cortège as it moves away.
- As the cortège enters - Playing as the coffin is brought into the service.
- As the coffin is lowered - Playing during the service when the coffin is lowered.
- After the service - Leading family and friends out of the crematorium once the service has concluded.
Home Service
- As the cortège exits - Playing as the coffin is brought outside.
- Leading the cortège - Leading the coffin as it leaves home for the final time.
- Gates to graveside - Once everyone has arrived at the cemetery, your piper will lead the cortège to the graveside.
- The final lift - Playing during the final lift as the coffin moves from the hearse to the graveside.
- After the committal - With mourners paying their final respects, the sound of the pipes will fade away as your piper marches off into the distance.